
Research on Passive Residual Heat Remove System Under Loss of Power

  • 摘要: 利用RELAP5/MOD3.3程序对AP1000反应堆一回路及非能动系统进行建模计算,给出了AP1000非能动余热排出系统(PRHRS)在全厂断电事故下的瞬态响应特性。计算结果表明:情况1,PHRH系统由蒸汽发生器低水位与低启动给水流量符合信号启动,稳压器安全阀的开启导致PRHRS发生倒流现象,并会引起堆芯冷却剂过热沸腾、压力容器进出口温差过大等后果;情况2,由断电信号直接触发PRHRS,触发前安全阀不开启,此时PRHRS正常运行。


    Abstract: The reactor primary cycle and passive core cool system were simulated by use of RELAP5/MOD3.3 code, then we can conclude transient state operating characteristics of AP1000 passive residual heat removal system (PRHRS) under loss of power accident. The results show that: Condition 1, PRHRS starts on low steam generator water level coincident with low start up feed water flow, opening of pressurizer safety valves will lead coolant reverse flow in the PRHRS, and arouse coolant boiling in the core and excessive temperature differentials between inlet outlet of pressure vessel; condition 2, PRHRS starts directly on power loss signal, safety valves will not open before it starts, so PRHRS is capable of operating effectively.


