
Pressure Calculation of CARR Building Under Severe Accident Conditions

  • 摘要: CARR调试期间测量了密封厂房的泄漏率,利用实测泄漏率,用MELCOR程序计算在严重事故下大厅压力和实际泄漏率,研究大厅内外压差是否超过大厅结构设计的限值,并为环境评价提供实际泄漏率数据。计算表明,大厅压差在事故进程中不超过5 kPa,远小于10 kPa的设计限值;从事故开始8 h内,泄漏率不超过2.5%/d(体积分数),1 d内泄漏率不超过2.8%/d,经校算,泄漏到环境的放射性裂变产物、放射性剂量小于环保限值。


    Abstract: Using the measured leakage rate of the CARR building, MELCOR code was used to calculate the pressure of the building under the severe accident conditions. The results indicate that the maximum pressure difference in the progress of the accident is less than 5 kPa which is much lower than the structure design limiting value of 10 kPa; the calculated maximum leakage rates are lower than vol.2.5%/d in 8 hours and vol.2.8%/d in 1 day after the initiation of the accident. The dose of the radioactive fission product released to the environment is lower than the safety criteria under the leakage rate.


