
Internal Flooding Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assesment of Nuclear Power Plant

  • 摘要: 核电厂内部水淹事件是一种可能引起多个设备同时失效的共因故障。应用概率安全评价方法对其进行分析,能够找出电厂薄弱环节,并完善电厂的设计。本文介绍进行核电厂内部水淹一级概率安全评价的方法,并以某300 MWe核电厂为对象,利用RiskSpectrum程序,计算得到了内部水淹引起的堆芯损伤频率。计算结果表明,内部水淹引起的CDF占内部事件总CDF的2.45%,是很小的比例。


    Abstract: Internal flooding events of nuclear power plants are a kind of common cause failure which may cause multi-component failure simultaneity. Internal flooding analysis, using probabilistic safety assessment, can find out the weakness of the plant and improve its design. Based on a 300 MWe nuclear power plant, the method of internal flooding level 1 probabilistic safety assessment was introduced and the core damage frequency due to internal flooding was calculated with RiskSpectrum code. The calculation results show that internal flooding induced CDF contributes 2.45% of the total internal events CDF which is a small fraction.


