
Research on Quality of Helium Gas in Primary System of 10 MW High-Temperature Gas-Cooling Reactor

  • 摘要: 10 MW高温气冷堆以氦气作为冷却剂,氦气中含有H2O、CO2、H2、CO、CH4、N2、O2等7种影响氦气品质的杂质。分析反应堆在不同工况下的氦气品质数据的变化规律,可证明一回路氦气在反应堆功率运行过程中经氦气净化系统净化后,氦气品质能够满足技术规格书要求。但随一回路氦气平均温度的升高,氦气品质呈下降趋势,并可初步判断存在缓慢变化的杂质源项为水。


    Abstract: The primary coolant of 10 MW High-Temperature Gas-Cooling Reactor is helium gas which contains 7 types of impurities affecting the quality of the coolant. These impurities include H2O, CO2, H2, CO, CH4, N2 and O2. By analyzing quality variation of helium gas for the reactor working on different conditions, the following conclusions were draw. At first, after being purified by the helium purification system, the helium gas can meet the quality requirements of the technical specifications during the power operating of the reactor. Secondly, the helium gas’s quality decreases when the temperature of the helium gas in the primary system increases. Finally, water is the source item for the slowly changing of impurities.


