
Improved Double PI Control for Nuclear Steam Generator Water Level

  • 摘要: 蒸汽发生器(SG)水位的控制问题是压水堆核电站紧急停堆的1个重要原因,尤其在低功率情况下,缩胀效应致使水位控制较难。为了避开水位变化初期的假水位的影响,在控制过程中加入判别器来决定水位信号是否参与控制。采用遗传算法对控制器参数进行整定,采用的SG水位模型是简化的数学模型。对控制器中有无判别器的控制效果进行了对比。对比结果表明:加入判别器后,缩短了调节时间,降低了超调量。


    Abstract: Malfunction of steam generator water level control is the main cause of unexpected shutdowns in nuclear power plants. Particularly at low powers, it is a difficult task due to shrink and swell phenomena. In order to avoid the affect caused by spurious water level, a special discriminator was designed. Parameters of the controller with a simplified steam generator model were tuned offline by the genetic algorithm. Control effect with a discriminator was contrasted to that without a discriminator. The results show that the discriminator shortens control period and reduced overshoot.


