
Stochastic Characteristic Analysis of Turbine Blade Based on Response Surface Method

  • 摘要: 为了满足二回路汽轮机叶片可靠性设计的要求,在概率有限元的基础上引入响应表面法,考虑汽轮机叶片材料参数和载荷参数的随机性,计算得到叶片的随机响应的统计特性及累计概率分布函数,并对叶片的可靠性进行分析。采用概率敏感性分析方法,分析随机响应变量相对于随机输入变量的概率灵敏度。最后,通过对叶片结构响应与随机输入变量散点图的分析,给出关于如何提高叶片可靠度的建议。计算结果表明,该方法计算速度快,计算量小,精度高。


    Abstract: In order to improve the reliability of the turbine blade design, response surface method was introduced into probability finite element, material parameters and load parameters of the blade were considered as input random variables, the statistical characteristics and cumulative distribution function of stochastic response of the blade were obtained. Then, probability sensitivities analysis was applied to evaluate how much the output parameters were influenced by the random input parameters. In the last, how to improve the reliability of the blade was advanced through analyzing scatter plots of structural responses with respect to the random input variables. The results show that using this method leads to fast speed, much less amount of calculation and high accuracy.


