
Research of Finite Element Technology Used in Design and Life Prediction of Fusion Reactor Component

  • 摘要: 为了能更好地设计、分析核反应堆部件以及预测其寿命,本文将Chaboche本构模型与损伤模型相结合,推导了Chaboche损伤本构模型。在弹性预测-径向返回和向后欧拉积分方法的基础上,研究了模型的隐式积分算法。将Chaboche损伤本构模型链接到ABAQUS有限元程序,并利用六面体单元模拟了某型反应堆部件材料的4种变形行为,计算结果与实验值吻合良好。


    Abstract: In order to improve the capacity of design, analysis and life prediction of fusion reactor component for designer, Chaboche constitutive model of coupled damage was conducted by the combination of Chaboche unified constitutive model and damage model. Based on the radial return method and backward Euler integration, implicit stress integration algorithm was researched and a new expression of consistent tangent modulus was also derived for that model. The Chaboche constitutive model of coupled damage was implemented into the finite element program ABAQUS, and then was used to simulate four kinds of deformation. The results show that the simulated values are very close to the experiment data.


