
Homotopy Analysis Solutions of Point Kinetics Equations With One Delayed Precursor Group

  • 摘要: 同伦分析方法是一种求解非线性方程组的级数解析方法。将同伦分析方法应用于单组缓发中子动力方程组的求解,获得了它的级数分析解,并对算法的有效性进行了检验。结果表明:该算法从计算时间和精度上都能达到了工程应用的要求。


    Abstract: Homotopy analysis method is proposed to obtain series solutions of nonlinear differential equations. Homotopy analysis method was applied for the point kinetics equations with one delayed precursor group. Analytic solutions were obtained using homotopy analysis method, and the algorithm was analysed. The results show that the algorithm computation time and precision agree with the engineering requirements.


