
Dynamic Analysis and Fast Calculation of Fuel Element Temperature Field During Delayed Supercritical Process

  • 摘要: 针对反应堆缓发超临界过程特点,本工作建立了物理、热工及热量传递模型,采用准稳态方法对缓发超临界过程反应堆平均通道单根燃料元件温度场进行了计算分析,并与某反应堆仿真平台计算结果进行对比。分析表明,在功率变化不剧烈的反应堆动态过程,采用准稳态计算方法可以较准确地计算出燃料元件温度场随时间的变化规律。且本工作模型相对简单,计算速度快,对于反应堆动态运行研究及船用反应堆事故分析均有重要意义,对于反应堆热工设计也具有重要的参考价值。


    Abstract: Based on the characters of the reactor in the delayed supercritical process, the physical and thermal and heat transmission model were founded, and the quasi-static method was employed. The temperature field of a single fuel element in the average channel of the reactor during the delayed supercritical process was calculated and analyzed, and the results were compared with those got from the simulation platform of the same reactor. It is shown that in the slow dynamic process, the fuel element temperature field could also be calculated exactly by the quasi-static method. Besides, the model in the paper is relatively simple and has fast calculation velocity, which is of great importance to the reactor’s dynamic analysis and some accident analysis. It is also useful to the reactor’s thermal design.


