
Design of Simulink Module for Dynamic Reactivity Simulation of Marine Reactor Automatic Control Rod

  • 摘要: 船用堆运行中功率频繁、剧烈变化需要自动控制棒频繁调节。针对该特点及现有反应堆系统微机仿真程序存在的控制棒反应性描述不合理、不准确的问题,设计了船用堆自动棒动态反应性Simulink仿真模块。该模块作为船用堆物理热工参数快速计算Simulink程序的子模块,应用于船用堆典型动态过程仿真表明:该模块能够模拟动态过程中的自动棒棒位和相应的动态反应性,适用于船用堆物理热工参数快速计算,对船用堆动态过程的仿真和物理热工参数快速计算有重要意义。


    Abstract: The power of marine reactor varies frequently and acutely, which induces the frequent and acute adjustment of the automatic control rod. According to the characteristics of marine reactor and the problem of improper control rod reactivity insertion in previous literatures, the Simulink module for dynamic reactivity simulation of automatic control rod was designed and adopted as a sub-module of Simulink program for the fast calculation of the physical and thermal parameters of marine reactor. A typical dynamic process of the marine reactor was used as the benchmark, which indicates that the designed Simulink module is capable of the dynamic simulation of automatic control rod position and reactivity, and is adequate to the fast calculation of physic and thermal parameters. The Simulink module is of significant meaning to the simulation of the dynamic process of marine reactor and the fast calculation of the operating parameters.


