
Simulative Analysis of First Critical Experiment for China Advanced Research Reactor

  • 摘要: 介绍了中国先进研究堆首次临界实验的原理、方法和步骤。在没有参考堆,未进行零功率物理模拟实验的情况下,主要利用数值计算方法对首次临界实验过程进行模拟分析,得到了燃料组件数外推以及控制棒棒栅高度外推模拟曲线等数据,预测了临界燃料组件数和临界棒栅高度。为即将进行的首次临界实验提供了必要的参考数据。


    Abstract: The theory and method of China Advanced Research Reactor (CARR) first critical experiment were briefly introduced. Without referenced reactor and zero-power device, the theoretical calculation was used to simulate the whole process of CARR first critical experiment. The simulative extrapolate graph of fuel assembly number and control rods height were given, which predicted the critical fuel number and control rod height. This work provides necessary referenced data for the first critical experiment which will be carried out soon.


