
Preliminary Temperature Field and Structure Analysis for the First Wall of Fusion Power Reactor Test Blanket Module

  • 摘要: 铍相对于众多聚变反应堆的第一壁护甲材料,有着许多优点,这些优点使它和钨及碳基材料一起被选作国际热核聚变实验堆(ITER)第一壁的候选防护材料。对中国氦冷固态增殖剂实验包层模块(CH HCSB TBM)第一壁进行多场耦合模拟分析结果表明,使用表面热负荷模拟分析时,未考虑中子负载情况下,模拟分析结果与其它结果有较大出入,故使用表面热负荷模拟分析时必须考虑中子负载情况。而对第一壁热结构分析表明,铍保护板的应力超过了其许用应力,可以寻找其它铍合金或第一壁护甲材料以满足第一壁护甲材料热结构应力要求。


    Abstract: Beryllium has obvious advantages according to other kinds of the first-wall protecting materials in fusion power reactors. Be, W and carbon-based materials were considered the candidates of structural materials for the first-wall of International Thermal Experimental Reactor (ITER). When we neglect the neutron load, the analysis results of multiphysics simulation on the first-wall of Chinese helium-cooled solid breeder test blanket module (CH HCSB TBM) show that the simulative result is clearly different with other results in the paper. So we believe that we have to calculate the neutron load when proceeding the simulating thermal load analysis on surface of the TBM. The results of thermal structural analysis on the first-wall clarify that the stress on Be is exceeded the allowable stress of the material. Beryllium alloys or other first-wall protecting materials should be found to satisfy the requirements of thermal structural stress.


