
Study on Oxidation Mechanism and Kinetics in Static Air at 513 K of Uranium Dioxide Powder

  • 摘要: 为获取壳层O/U比约为2.25而芯部仍为UO2的预氧化活性粉末以进行UO2芯块的低温烧结试验,研究了UO2粉末在513 K下于静态空气中的氧化机制和动力学。结果表明:UO2粉末在513 K下氧化,可分为氧化前期和氧化后期;UO2粉末氧化后期绝对增重比率极限为0.489%;氧化前期反应速率受界面化学反应控制,氧化后期反应速率受扩散控制;氧化前期,UO2粉末氧化属于缩核模型,UO2单颗粒单位面积上氧化质量的增加量解析式为Dw/Sn=0.104 1t-2.146 67,氧化速率常数kc=3.49×106exp(-73 919.39/RT)。


    Abstract: Oxidation mechanism and kinetics in static air at 513 K of uranium dioxide powder was investigated on purpose to obtain surface pre-oxidation treated active uranium dioxide powder whose O/U ratio in outer layer was approximately 2.25 while whose phase in core was still uranium dioxide so as to carry out low temperature sintering test. Oxidation process of uranium dioxide powder oxidized at 513 K is divided into the earlier period and the later period. The limitation of absolute increased mass ratio of uranium dioxide powder at 513 K in the later period is 0.489%. The reaction rate is controlled by interface chemical reaction in the earlier period and by diffusion in the later period. Oxidation mechanism of uranium dioxide powder oxidized at 513 K in the earlier period conforms to scaled core model. The functional relationship between increased mass in unit area of single uranium dioxide particle and oxidation time t can be expressed by equation w/Sn=0.104 1t- 2.146 67, oxidation rate constant kc in the earlier period of uranium dioxide powder is 3.49×106exp(-73 919.39/RT).


