
Effect of V on Strength and Toughness of Low Alloyed Air-Cooled MnSiCr Bainite/Martensite Multiphase Steels

  • 摘要: 反应堆安全壳结构起着包容放射性物质和保护反应堆系统免受外界干扰的作用,是关系到核电站安全运行的重要结构。核反应堆筒体预应力钢筋混凝土结构用精轧螺纹钢筋的强韧性直接影响安全壳的寿命。为了开发新一代超高强钢筋,在新型空冷Mn系贝氏体钢的基础上进行V微合金化,并采用空冷回火工艺,实验钢筋的屈服强度达到1 494 MPa,抗拉强度1 688 MPa。利用SEM、TEM等方法研究V微合金化对实验钢强韧性、组织、相变的影响,对(Ti,V)C析出物形貌、分布及大小进行了观察和研究。


    Abstract: Secure reactor structure plays the role of containing radioactive substances and protecting system from the interference of reactor, which is related to the safe operation of the power, so it is an important structure. Nuclear reactor cylinder prestressed concrete structure with pure rolling steel rebar directly influences the tenacity of secure life. Vanadium microalloyed super strength finish rolled rebar based on air-cooled Mn series bainitic steels was developed in order to meet the needs. Yield strength of vanadium-alloyed air-cooled tempering steel reaches 1 494 MPa, and tensile strength is 1 688 MPa. Effect of vanadium on the strength and snugness, structure and phase transformation was studied by means of SEM and TEM. Besides, morphology, size and distribution of vanadium precipitates were studied.


