Hierarchical Bayesian Estimation on Truncated Zero-Failure Data of Pumps and Valves in Nuclear-Powered System
摘要: 针对船用核动力设备无失效数据截尾、小子样的特点,应用多层Bayes估计方法,结合工程实例估算了设备的运行失效率和需求失效概率两类可靠性参数,给出了截尾分布参数的推荐值。结果表明,该方法适用而有效。Abstract: According to that zero-failure data of nuclear-powered equipment is truncated and small sample, failure rate and failure probability on demand of nuclear-powered pumps and valves were estimated by using hierarchical Bayesian method, and the recommended parameters of truncated distribution were given. The results show that the method is applicable and effective.