
Application of Hierarchical Bayes Model in Fault Data Processing of Feed Water Pumps

  • 摘要: 在不区分不同补水泵故障数据的情况下,应用多个可修设备的数据处理方法进行了补水泵可靠性参数的计算,得到了补水泵可靠性参数估计值;在区分不同补水泵故障数据的情况下,建立了用于其可靠性分析的层次贝叶斯模型,并用WinBUGS软件对其进行了求解计算。最后,对计算结果进行了分析。


    Abstract: Taking all the feed water pumps as a whole, the data processing method of multiple repairable systems was used to parameter calculation of them. When distinguishing feed water pumps into different samples, the hierarchical bayes model was built, and the reliability parameters were calculated by using WinBUGS. At last, the results were analysed.


