
Technical Condition Assessment on Nuclear Power System With Bull Algebra and Fuzzy Logic

  • 摘要: 研究了将布尔代数与模糊逻辑相结合进行核动力系统技术状态评估的方法。在已有研究成果的基础上,基于核动力系统串、并联单元输出的布尔表达式推导,结合模糊逻辑,建立了一种普适的核动力系统状态评估模型,实例应用表明该方法能够量化设备的部分失效对系统技术状态的影响,分析结果可为系统的使用与维修决策提供参考。


    Abstract: The method with Bull algebra and fuzzy logic to assessment the technical condition of nuclear power systems was researched. Bull expressions of series-wound and shunt-wound unit output were deduced, with fuzzy logic, and a universal technical condition assessment model was brought forward. Finally, the technical condition of typical PWR system was assessment with the model. The result shows that the method can quantificationally analyze the influence of partial failure components.


