
Verification of Enriched Uranium Cylinder Shape Critical Assembly Empty-Handed Assembling Criticality Safety

  • 摘要: 为完成徒手装配浓缩铀柱形临界装置临界安全检验实验,设计了基于薄膜装配的验证系统,以替代浓缩铀柱形临界装置上半部分结构。用MCNP程序计算了浓缩铀柱形临界装置上半部分及验证系统密合时的有效增殖因子keff。实验测得验证系统中心增殖不会超过12.50,满足徒手装配装置中心增殖限定值15的要求。实验结果表明,验证系统设计合理,徒手装配浓缩铀柱形临界装置是安全的。


    Abstract: In order to do enriched uranium cylinder shape critical assembly empty-handed assembling criticality safety validation experiment, validation assembly based on pellicle assembling was designed instead of upper part of enriched uranium cylinder shape critical assembly. keff of enriched uranium cylinder shape critical assembly and validation assembly was calculated by MCNP. Neutron multiplication of validate assembly was measured. Neutron multiplication is under 12.50. The value meets the need of limited value of the assembly. The experiment results validate that the enriched uranium cylinder shape critical assembly empty-handed assembling is safe.


