
Cobalt Adjuster Rod Assembly Structural Design in CANDU Deuterium Uranium Reactor

  • 摘要: 利用秦山三期CANDU重水反应堆生产60Co放射源具有活度高、产量高、成本低等优点。CANDU重水反应堆原有的21个不锈钢调节棒组件改成同样数量和位置的钴调节棒组件后,在保持原来调节棒功能的条件下,利用59Co吸收中子转变为60Co,生产放射性钴源。本工作详细阐述了钴调节棒组件设计要求及结构设计过程中与各种设计接口之间的关系,并通过对设计的钴调节棒组件进行结构完整性分析、提插棒时间分析及跌落事故分析,论证了其在重水反应堆内运行的安全性。经反应堆成功运行经验证明,钴调节棒组件结构设计安全可靠。


    Abstract: CANDU deuterium uranium reactor can be used to produce 60Co radioactive sources, which has such advantages: high radioactivity, high production and low cost. 21 stainless steel adjuster rod assemblies used in CANDU were replaced by 21 cobalt adjuster rod assemblies at the same position, meeting the same functional requirements and producing 60Co radioactive sources. Design requirements and structural design interfaces of cobalt adjuster rod assemblies were mainly discussed in the paper. Through structural integrity analysis, rod lifting and inserting time analysis and drop analysis, the safety of cobalt adjuster rod assemblies used in CANDU reactor is guaranteed. The safety and reliability of cobalt adjuster rod assembly structural design are proved by successful in-core operation experience.


