
Confidence Intervals for Prediction of Detector Sensitivity Based on Unequal Weight Observations Regression

  • 摘要: 介绍了非等权测量条件下PIN探测器灵敏度的回归模型,探讨了预测值置信区间的计算方法。详细论述了多元线性回归分析PIN探测器能响曲线的方法,根据PIN探测器灵敏度的测量结果及其不确定度,在综合考虑拟合曲线和不同能点测量不确定度的具体情况下,计算了3~20 keV范围X射线灵敏度预测及其置信区间,为最终X射线测量结果的数据质量提供了分析依据。


    Abstract: The regression model for PIN detector based on the unequal weight observations was introduced. The method to calculation the confidence intervals for sensitivity prediction was analyzed. It was discussed in details that using unequal weight multiple linear models predicted the PIN sensitivity. Considering fitting curve and the uncertainty of the PIN calibration sensitivity, the sensitivity and confidence intervals were calculated for the X-ray photon energy range from 3 keV to 20 keV.


