
Measurement of Home-Made LaCl3:Ce Scintillation Detector Sensitivity With Different Energy Points in Range of Fission Energy

  • 摘要: 应用60Co强γ源进行康普顿散射,再结合0.67 MeV(137Cs源)和1.25 MeV(60Co源)标准γ源,获得裂变γ能区多种能量γ辐射。以国产掺铈氯化镧(LaCl3:Ce)闪烁晶体样品配光电倍增管构成快响应闪烁探测器,在这些γ能量下对LaCl3:Ce探测器灵敏度进行了测量。测量结果表明:以LaCl3:Ce对0.67 MeV γ的灵敏度为归一基准,LaCl3:Ce对1.25 MeV γ的灵敏度约为1.28;对尺寸为f40 mm×2 mm的LaCl3:Ce,能量在0.39~0.78 MeV之间对应的灵敏度最大为1.18,最小为0.96;对尺寸为f40 mm×10 mm的LaCl3:Ce,最大为1.06,最小为0.98。本测量数据可为理论计算LaCl3:Ce能量响应定标、校正提供测量数据参考,为获得裂变γ能区LaCl3:Ce探测器综合灵敏度提供实验数据依据。


    Abstract: Gamma rays of different energy were obtained in the range of fission energy by Compton scattering in intense 60Co gamma source and the standard isotopic gamma sources which are 0.67 MeV 137Cs and 1.25 MeV 60Co sources of point form. Sensitivity of LaCl3:Ce scintillator was measured in these gamma ray energy by a fast response scintillation detector with the home-made LaCl3:Ce scintillator. Results were normalized by the sensitivity to 0.67 MeV gamma ray. Sensitivity of LaCl3:Ce to 1.25 MeV gamma ray is about 1.28. For 40 mm×2 mm LaCl3:Ce scintillator, the biggest sensitivity is 1.18 and the smallest is 0.96 with gamma ray from 0.39 to 0.78 MeV. And for 40 mm×10 mm LaCl3:Ce scintillator, the biggest sensitivity is 1.06 and the smallest is 0.98. The experimental results can provide references for theoretical study of the LaCl3:Ce scintillator and data to obtain the compounded sensitivity of LaCl3:Ce scintillator in the range of fission energy.


