
Time Response of GaN Schottky Detector for X-ray Detection

  • 摘要: 通过制作大面积GaN肖特基X射线探测器,研究了GaN肖特基探测器对X射线的时间响应特性。实验采用Fe掺杂的高阻自支撑GaN片来制备器件,对不同偏压下的时间响应进行了测试。针对所测得的实验结果,对其内部机理进行了分析,提出了1个GaN肖特基探测器对X射线照射下的时间响应的理论模型,得到非常好的拟合结果。实验发现,由于高阻层的存在,GaN肖特基探测器具有很高的信噪比,即使在可能的光淬灭效应的影响下,探测器在200 V反向偏压下的信噪比仍可达到80左右。


    Abstract: Time response of GaN Schottky detector with a large area to X-ray was studied. Using a Fe-doped GaN high resistive film to make the detector, the time response under different bias was tested. For the measured results, a theoretical model of time response of GaN Schottky detector to X-ray irradiation was proposed, and its internal mechanism was studied with a very good fitting results. It is found, due to the presence of high resistivity layer, the GaN Schottky detector can have a high signal to noise ratio of about 80 at reverse bias of 200 V, even in the possible effects of light quenching.


