
Design of Neutron Dose-Equivalent Meter With Two Detectors

  • 摘要: 针对单探测器中子剂量当量仪的能量响应性能普遍不好的问题,设计了一种新型中子剂量当量仪,该中子剂量当量仪的探头包含有两个不同厚度慢化体球壳和两个球形3He正比计数管。用MCNP程序对分别嵌入到两个慢化体球壳中心的两个3He正比计数管的能量响应进行了计算。在周围剂量当量的结果计算时,用两个探测器的计数率之比确定1个修正因子以对探测器的计数率转换成中子周围剂量当量率进行修正。经过理论分析和实验验证,该中子剂量当量仪的能量响应性能有一定改善,可使热中子~14 MeV范围内的能量响应缩小到0.7~1.3范围内。


    Abstract: Because the energy response performance of neutron dose-equivalent meters with single detector is not very good, a new type of neutron dose-equivalent meter was designed. Its detector composed of two spheric moderators with different thicknesses and two spheric 3He proportional counters. The energy response of two spheric 3He proportional counters embeded into the centers of the moderators were calculated by the use of MCNP codes. In order to get the ambient dose-equivalent results, the ratios of the counts were used to get a factor to correct the conversion of the counts to amibent dose-equivalent. With theory analysis and experiment validation, it shows that the energy response performance of the neutron dose-equivalent meter is improved obviously. The response of neutron energy from thermal to 14 MeV can be narrowed to a range of 0.7-1.3.


