
Calibration of Energy-, Dose-Response for High Sensitivity Neutron Dose Equivalent Rate Meter

  • 摘要: 参考国内标准化和国际标准化组织(ISO)及国际电工委员会(IEC)对中子(率)仪校准的相应标准,对已设计、加工、组装完毕的1台长圆柱状、较大体积、高灵敏中子剂量当量率仪,在宽能区(热中子~20 MeV)内进行了能量响应和剂量灵敏度的实验校准。本文介绍了仪器能谱响应函数曲线实验校准方法、实验方案和结果分析,给出了仪器的综合灵敏度48.9 s-1/(µSv•h-1)及在3种特征能谱中的剂量响应。


    Abstract: Based on the corresponding standards of the National Standardization Organizations, the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission for neutron dosimetry calibration, the energy response of a well designed and manufactured neutron dose equivalent meter of high sensitivity which is of cylindrical type and large volume was calibrated on a wide energy range (from thermal energy to 20 MeV). The calibration methods, experimental program results and analysis were mainly introduced, and the comprehensive sensitivity of neutron dose equivalent 48.9 s-1/(µSv•h-1) as well as dose equivalent responses in three characteristic neutron spectrum fields were presented.


