
Counting Loss Problem of BF3 Detector in Measuring Pulse Neutron Yield

  • 摘要: 根据BF3的探测原理,中子在聚乙烯的输运过程及管内10B(n,)7Li反应机理,通过大量的测量实验,模拟出脉冲测量中BF3漏计数概率很小的边界条件,该测量方法适合目前脉冲中子装置中的中子产额测量。


    Abstract: According to measuring experiments, neutron movement in polyethylene, BF3 detection principle, and 10B(n, )7Li reaction in BF3, the paper gave restricted condition that the counting loss of BF3 detector could be neglected in measuring the pulse neutron yield. As a result, this way adapts to some pulse neutron yields measuring.


