
MCNP Simulation on Primary Energy Spectrum Distribution in X-ray Fluorescence Analysis

  • 摘要: X射线荧光分析中,入射激发能谱是影响元素特征荧光强度大小的直接因素。本文使用MCNP程序模拟不同条件下电子打靶后的X射线能谱分布,计算结果能够反映不同条件下特征谱线和连续谱线的特点。模拟能谱数据可用于X射线荧光分析的数据处理。


    Abstract: In X-ray fluorescence analysis, incident excitation energy spectrum directly determines the characteristics fluorescent intensity. This paper simulates X-ray spectrum distribution induced by electrons on different targets with MCNP program, and the results reveal spectrum feature of the characteristic line and continuum line under different simulated conditions. The simulated energy spectrum data can facilitate data processing of X-ray fluorescence analysis.


