
Gamma Irradiation Induced Total Dose Effects of EE80C196KC20 Single Chip Microprocessor

  • 摘要: 建立商用16位单片机EE80C196KC20辐射效应在线测试系统,利用60Co源在20 rad(Si)/s的剂量率条件下研究了电离辐射的失效模式和敏感参数。实验获得了单片机的失效阈值,得到了功耗电流、I/O输出、PWM输出随总剂量的变化规律,从工艺和电路结构分析了敏感参数变化的物理机理,对抗辐射加固设计有重要意义。


    Abstract: An on-line test system of single chip microprocessor EE80C196KC20 for total ionizing dose radiation effects was presented. The total ionizing dose exposure was performed using a 60Co irradiator at a dose rate of 20 rad(Si)/s. The degradation process and sensitive parameters were investigated in detail. The failure dose threshold was obtained and the results show that the supply current and output voltage of I/O port and PWM change versus total ionizing dose regularly. The degradation mechanism was discussed associated with fabrication technology and circuit conformation and is significant for radiation hardness assurance.


