Radiation Effect of NPN BJTs Under Various Base Doping Conditions
摘要: 对相同工艺制作但基区掺杂浓度不同的国产NPN双极晶体管,在不同剂量率条件下进行60Co γ辐照效应和退火特性研究。结果显示,晶体管基区掺杂浓度不同,对高、低剂量率的辐照响应也不相同,低基区掺杂浓度的晶体管辐照损伤明显高于高基区掺杂浓度的晶体管。Abstract: 60Co γ radiation effects and annealing behaviors of domestic NPN bipolar junction transistors with the same process technology but different base doping concentrations were investigated. It is shown that transistors with different base doping concentrations make the different responses of high and low dose rate radiation. More degradation can be seen in the lightly-doped base PNP transistors than the heavily-doped base PNP transistors.