
Internal Charging-Discharging Test and Simulation for Satellite Components

  • 摘要: 内部充放电效应是主要空间环境效应之一,对中高轨卫星的威胁很大。当前的内部充放电研究主要关注材料,试验手段和计算机仿真工具不能处理三维卫星结构,无法满足工程应用需要,将关注对象拓展至具有复杂结构的卫星部件是有意义的。本工作尝试利用90Sr-90Y源,对太阳帆板驱动机构导电环样品进行了模拟试验,测得不同条件下样品表面电位的差异,并观测到放电现象。同时,利用蒙特卡罗模拟和有限元分析,得到了样品内部充电电场和电位的空间分布。证明利用现有条件进行部件级的模拟试验和仿真分析是可行的。具体的试验和仿真结果,对指导太阳帆板驱动机构内部充放电防护设计,也具有一定意义。


    Abstract: Internal charging-discharging is one of the primary space environment effects, to threaten the safety of medium earth orbit and geosynchronous orbit satellites. At the present time, study of internal charging-discharging is mostly about dielectric material, and the experiment facility and computer simulation tools can not deal with 3D satellite structure. Then to focus on satellite components is helpful for engineering. A 90Sr-90Y disk source was employed to charging some solar array drive assembly slip ring samples, and the surface voltage and electrostatic discharge were measured and compared each other. The space distributions of electric field and potential in the samples were got via Monte-Carlo method and finite element method. The results are also helpful for design of solar array drive assembly.


