Half-Life Determination of T Decay With Hydrogen Isotopes’s Analysis by Low Resolution MS
摘要: 氚是核燃料循环与材料的重要核素,但用不同方法测量其半衰期的差异较大。本工作用低分辨率质谱测定氢同位素中氚丰度的方法来测定氚半衰期,测定结果为(12.065 2±1.231 1)a,与建议使用的氚的半衰期(12.323 a,每年计365.25 d)较吻合。Abstract: T is an important radionuclide to determine the burn-up of nuclear fuel, but its half-life differs markedly in references. The half-life of T was measured in hydrogen isotopes’s analysis with low resolution MS, the measured result is (12.065 2±1.231 1) a. The measured result is satisfied.