
Determining Origin of Artificial Radionuclide by Using 241Am/137Cs Activity Ratio Method

  • 摘要: 活度比的方法通常被用于进行年代学测量,但用来判定放射性核素的来源并不多见。本工作通过比较相关区域241Am/137Cs的活度比,分析判断汇水区人工放射性核素的来源。结果表明:该汇水区人工放射性核素主要来源于B区。用241Am/137Cs活度比法判定人工放射性核素的迁移来源比较简单、直接。


    Abstract: The activity ratio method is usually applied on chronology measurement, but rarely used to determine the origin of radionuclide. The 241Am/137Cs activity ratios of the relevant regions were compared to analyze the source of the artificial radionuclide at the catchments. The research result shows that the artificial radionuclide of the catchments mainly comes from B zone. The 241Am/137Cs activity ratio method is easy and effective to determine the source of the artificial radionuclide.


