MCNP Verification Calculation of Activity for Waste Stored in a Trap Repository
摘要: 某废物库退役源项调查是废物库退役工程前期工作,为退役设计提供源项输入。根据现场辐射水平测量结果,利用点核积分原理,通过γ辐射水平与γ射线注量之间的关系,反推出废物的放射性活度。为评价计算结果,利用MCNP程序进行了验证计算。点核积分计算结果为6.4×1014 Bq,MCNP验证计算结果为4.82×1014 Bq,表明点核积分计算结果偏保守,满足工程设计需要。Abstract: To offer the source for a trap repository decommissioning engineering, the activity of medium solid radioactive waste was calculated by point-kernel ray-tracing technique and the result is 6.4×1014 Bq. To appraise the result, a verification calculation was performed by MCNP and the result is 4.82×1014 Bq. It shows that point-kernel result is a little bigger than MCNP result. Therefore, point-kernel result is satisfied for engineering design.