
Study on Computing Model and Algorithm for Simulation of Smoke-Dust in Nuclear Facilities Decommissioning Virtual Simulation

  • 摘要: 基于三维数值计算可实现核设施退役虚拟仿真中烟尘输运过程仿真,而快速且稳定的数值求解方法是实现动态仿真过程的核心。研究中首先建立相应的数学模型,然后采用半拉格朗日方法对方程进行求解。求解过程中首先对方程采用分裂法,得到各分项方程,然后利用半拉格朗日方法对瞬态项及对流项进行求解,对于不可压缩压力方程采用了基于约束思想的投影算法。研究过程中对立方体空间进行了数值仿真,仿真结果的显示采用OpengGL编程实现,获得了三维流场分布及烟尘浓度分布。该方法能实现模型稳定、快速的求解。


    Abstract: Based on three-dimensional numerical calculation, the simulating transportation of smoke-dust was realized. Rapid and stable numerical solution is the key to achieve successful dynamic simulation. In the paper, the corresponding mathematical model was studied firstly, and then the semi-Lagrangian method was used to solve the equations. In the process of solving equations, a splitting-approach was adopted to achieve the component equations, and then the semi-Lagrangian method was used to solve both transient and convection terms. The projection algorithm constraint-based was adopted to solve the pressure equation for incompressible fluid. The study only realized the numerical simulation for a simple cube space. Simulation results are displayed by OpengGL programming in terms of three-dimensional flow field and the distribution of smoke-dust concentrations. The stable and fast solution can be achieved by using the method described herewith.


