
Comparison for Specific Absorbed Fractions Based on European or North American Mathematical Phantoms

  • 摘要: 本文以肺(左肺和右肺)为源器官,利用MCNP4C程序对数学模型进行模拟计算,求出靶器官的比吸收分数值,并对不同成年男性模型、年龄模型和性别模型的比吸收分数(SAFs)进行分析比较。结果表明:小孩的比吸收分数比成年人高,女性的比男性的高。对于源器官与靶器官同体的,SAFs伴随能量升高在0.01~0.05 MeV之间有明显的下降趋势;不同体的,SAFs伴随能量升高在0.01~0.05 MeV之间有明显的升高趋势。而在0.05~4 MeV区间,各个靶器官的比吸收分数趋于一常数值。因此,在内照射剂量的评价过程中对小孩、成年男性和女性要区别对待。


    Abstract: Specific absorbed fractions of target organs were calculated by MCNP4C, source organs were lungs which were divided into right lungs and left lungs.The comparison results for various adult male models, various ages models and gender models show that children’s are higher than adult’s, and female’s are higher than male’s about specific absorbed fractions.When target organs and source organs are same, specific absorbed fractions decline from 0.01 to 0.05 MeV;on the contrary, the specific absorbed fractions increase from 0.01 to 0.05 MeV.From 0.05 to 4 MeV, various organs incline to a constant value.


