
Statistical Laws of Noble Gas Xenon Monitoring Data From Guangzhou Radionuclide Station

  • 摘要: 在分析广州核素台站惰性气体氙日常监测数据的基础上,分析了广州核素台站惰性气体监测数据的有效性,初步研究了4种惰性气体氙同位素131Xem、133Xe、133Xem和135Xe的活度浓度和最小可探测浓度的统计规律。结果表明:4种惰性气体氙同位素的最小可探测浓度和活度浓度均呈高斯分布。该研究可为评估放射性核素台站4种惰性气体氙同位素监测阈值和惰性气体样品的分级提供参考。


    Abstract: Based on analysis of noble gas xenon monitoring data from Guangzhou radionuclide station, the validity of monitoring data was statistically analyzed. The statistical laws of activity concentrations and the minimum detectable activity concentrations of the four xenon isotopes 131Xem, 133Xe, 133Xem and 135Xe were preliminarily studied. The results show that activity concentrations and the minimum detectable concentrations of the four xenon isotopes follow Gaussian distribution. This work will help to evaluate monitoring threshold of the four xenon isotopes of radionuclide station and provide reference for the categorization of noble gas samples.


