
Analytical Design Method of Pinhole Collimator for High-Energy γ Photon Imaging

  • 摘要: 在对高辐射环境进行射线源分布成像时,需要为γ相机设计专门的用于高能光子成像的针孔准直器。为了简化针孔准直器的设计过程,使用几个新的解析公式来描述准直器各参数与性能间的关系。首先,采用解析方法推导了更通用的有效孔径公式、角分辨率公式和几何相对效率公式;然后,与采用蒙特卡罗方法模拟计算得到的数值进行比较。结果表明,解析方法提供的计算结果在一定范围内准确可靠。因此,本工作使用的针孔准直器解析设计方法简单方便,物理图像清晰,具有一定的实用价值。


    Abstract: The pinhole collimator of gamma camera dedicated to high-energy gamma photon imaging needs special design when placed in high radiation environments for ray source distribution imaging. To simplify the design procedure of pinhole collimator, we introduced some new analytic formulas to describe the relation between parameters and properties. First, the formulas of effective aperture, angle resolution and relative geometric efficiency were deduced by analytical method, and then compared with Monte-Carlo method. The results show that the value provided by analytical method is reliable. Therefore, the analytical design method we introduced for pinhole collimator is simple and useful.


