Study on Electron Beam Irradiation Precuring of EPDM Foam
摘要: 以三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)为基材,采用电子加速器辐照技术对其进行辐射预硫化处理,研究了敏化剂TMPTMA对硫化参数的影响及其敏化效果,并研究了不同吸收剂量下,发泡制品的外观、材料力学性能、吸水率和压缩永久变形的变化情况。结果表明:TMPTMA对三元乙丙橡胶有较好的敏化效果;在辐射吸收5~15 kGy剂量范围内,发泡材料的闭孔性变好,力学性能也随之提高。Abstract: EPDM was procured by electron beam (EB) irradiation. The sensitizing efficiency of trimethylopropane trimethylacrylacrylate (TMPTMA) was studied. The compression set, water absorption, mechanical properties and surface of EPDM foam were compared at different absorbed doses. The results show that the closed cell property and mechanical properties of EPDM foam are heightened at 5-15 kGy.