
Recovery Reconstruction and Running of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Water System

  • 摘要: 本文简述了对某停运多年的低放废水处理系统进行恢复与改造的基本原则、主要内容以及系统经恢复改造后的工艺流程和主要优点。在恢复与改造过程中,保留原有的混凝沉降、蛭石吸附、离子交换等处理工艺,采用膜反应器技术进行固液分离及泥浆浓缩。系统经恢复与改造后,系统运行稳定、流程通畅、性能可靠,操作安全便捷、生产能力为0.74~0.8 m3/h,达到恢复改造要求。低放废水经系统处理后,总α及总β的去除率分别为99.65%和98.20%,达标排放。


    Abstract: The article focused the basic principles, main content, the technological process and advantages of closure low-level radioactive waste water system for many years in recovery and reconstruction process. The system retained the original coagulation, vermiculite adsorption and ion exchange treatment process. The membrane reactor was used for solid-liquid separation and slurry concentration. After recovery and reconstruction, the system is stable, smooth flow, reliable, safe and convenience. The production capacity is 0.74-0.8 m3/h and achieves the requirement of the system. The low-level radioactive waste water removal efficiencies for total α and β are 99.65% and 98.20% respectively. Low-level radioactive waste water can be discharged.


