
Design on HTR-10 Digital Operation Instrumentation and Control System Updating

  • 摘要: 10 MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)全数字化运行仪表与控制(I&C)系统经长期运行后面临设备老化、性能降低、备件短缺、可扩展性差等一系列的问题和不足。通过分析系统的技术特点和存在的问题及不足,提出了系统在网络结构、硬件配置及功能优化等方面的更新原则、目标和具体方案,系统更新后将有效提高系统运行的安全性和稳定性。


    Abstract: After long-term operation, the 10 MW High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTR-10) full digital operation instrumentation and control (I&C) system faced a series of problems, such as components ageing, performance degradation, shortage of spare parts and poor extensibility. By analyzing the system’s technical characteristics and existing problems, the system updating principles, goals and detailed scheme in the network architecture, hardware configuration and function optimization were presented. The updated system will effectively improve the system security and stability.


