HFETR 6LiD中子转换器芯体厚度优化研究

Thickness Optimization Study of 6LiD Neutron Converter for HFETR

  • 摘要: 介绍了通过在裂变堆中布置6LiD转换器将热中子转换为14 MeV中子的原理,给出了6LiD转换器结构和材料的选取原则,建立了芯体厚度优化的目标函数。分别计算分析了在水和氦气两种冷却剂情况下,转换器结构、辐照样品数量对6LiD芯体厚度优化值的影响,给出6LiD芯体厚度对堆芯性能的影响。结果表明,布置于HFETR辐照孔道中的6LiD转换器芯体厚度优化设计值为0.7 mm。


    Abstract: The principle of 6LiDconverter of thermal to 14 MeV neutron was introduced, the configuration and materials used in 6LiD converter for HFETR were chosen, and the optimal function of 6LiD converter thickness was obtained. The effect of converter target construction and number of irradiation material sample to 6LiD optimal thickness with water and He as coolant respectively, were computed. The results show that the 6LiD optimal thickness is 0.7 mm.


