
Analysis of AP1000 Hydrogen Igniter Performance

  • 摘要: 采用集总参数分析程序对AP1000核电厂安全壳内氢气点火系统功能进行了分析和验证。在定义的包络事故工况下,氢气最大瞬时释放速率达300 kg/min。计算表明:在无点火措施情况下,AP1000安全壳局部隔间的氢气浓度较高,隔间内的气体处于可燃状态,且接近爆燃向爆炸转变(DDT)状态;在实施点火措施情况下,氢气浓度得到有效控制,氢气点火系统能消除严重事故下氢气所引起的风险。


    Abstract: A lumped parameter code was used to study the AP1000 hydrogen igniter system and demonstrate its performance. In the worst case defined in this paper, the maximum hydrogen release rate was up to 300 kg/min. The results show that, if no ignition is initiated, the hydrogen concentration in some compartment is very high, the gas is burnable and it may induce the deflagration to detonation transition (DDT). While igniters on, and the concentration is reduced below the lower flammable limits. These demonstrate that the igniter system can effectively reduce the risk of hydrogen in severe accident.


