
erturbation Characteristics Analysis of Supercritical Cooling-Water Reactor Under Control Condition

  • 摘要: 超临界水堆的一次通过循环设计不同于现有轻水堆,因此研究其扰动特性十分重要。在发生扰动后欲保持电站运行稳定,就要依靠控制系统调节达到稳定的状态。本文通过FORTRAN编制程序,研究以控制棒、汽轮机控制阀与反应堆冷却剂泵为控制方式的电站系统中,发生压力、温度等扰动时,反应堆内参数的变化。结果表明:给水流量的扰动不会对系统行为有很大影响,给水温度下降的扰动需较长时间才能达到稳定,压力设定值变化扰动时稳定所需的时间较短。


    Abstract: Supercritical coolingwater reactor is a once-through cycle plant system which is different from the existing light-water reactor, so it’s important to research its perturbation. In order to maintain power plant operation stable after perturbation, we must rely on control system regulate to achieve stable state. Using FORTRAN program to make code, when perturbation happens such as pressure set-point changes, feed-water temperature drop, reactor parameters changes with time were researched at the control rod, steam turbine control valves and the reactor coolant pumps as the plant control system. The results show that feedwater flowrate perturbation will not have a significant impact on system behavior. The feedwater temperature decrease perturbation need longer time to stabilize. Pressure setpoint change has shorter time to stabilize.


