
Subchannel Model of Analysis Code ATHAS-LMR for LMFBR

  • 摘要: 以子通道模型和绕丝分布式阻力模型为基础,研发了液态金属快中子增殖堆热工水力子通道分析程序ATHAS-LMR,以对液态金属快中子增殖堆燃料组件中的热工水力现象进行分析。与国外知名实验和类似子通道分析程序比较,结果表明:ATHAS-LMR与实验结果及其他子通道分析程序的结果相近,能够完成包括堵流工况的各种工况下液态金属快中子增殖堆组件的热工水力性能分析。


    Abstract: Based on the subchannel model and the wire wrap distributed resistance model, the subchannel code ATHAS-LMR was developed to analyze the thermal-hydraulic performance of the LMFBR (liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactor) fuel assemblies. Comparing the results of ATHAS-LMR with those of some foreign experiments and similar subchannel codes, the results show that ATHAS-LMR can predict the experiments very well and is able to analyze the thermal hydraulic performance of the LMFBR fuel assemblies under different conditions, such as normal operation, flow blockage accident.


