Pulsed laser single event effects (PLSEE) facility was used to study single event effect (SEE) of IDT 0.13μm IDT71V416S SRAM. Under working voltage of 3.3V, single event upset (SEU) threshold, SEU cross section and single event latchup (SEL) threshold and their relationships with their configuration data and work status were got. SEU results show that this SRAM is extremely susceptible to SEU and its threshold is consistent with heavy ions and proton test result. Meanwhile, this SRAM is susceptible to multiple bits upset (MBU), and most of them are 2 bits upset. The percentage of 2 bits upset is growing with the laser energy, which is also consistent with heavy ions test result. SEL results show that SEL occurs at specific regions. Micro-SEL phenomenon was observed and its influence on SEE hardening design was analyzed.