
Effect of Rolling Motion on Oscillation Between Double Parallel Channels Under Dissymmetry Heating Condition

  • 摘要: 采用理论分析与RELAP5/MC程序计算相结合的方法,研究了非对称加热条件下摇摆运动对并联双通道管间脉动特性的影响。结果表明,摇摆运动会引起周期等于摇摆周期以及1/2摇摆周期的流量波动,当摇摆引起的流量波动周期与系统固有热工水力振荡周期接近时,会发生共振效应,从而使密度波振荡提前发生。增大摇摆幅度及通道到摇摆中心的距离可增强流量波动幅度,降低系统稳定性。


    Abstract: Mathematic analysis and RELAP5/MC code were conducted to investigate effect of rolling motion on oscillation between double parallel channels under dissymmetry heating condition. The results show that rolling period and 1/2 rolling period flow oscillations are induced by rolling motion. When the flow oscillation period is close to the connatural thermo-hydraulics oscillation period of system, the density wave oscillation will happen earlier because of resonance. Increasing rolling amplitude and the distance between channel and rolling center can increase the flow oscillation amplitude and decrease the system stability.


