
Development and Validation of Neutron and Photon Transport Code TOPAN

  • 摘要: 开发的粒子输运蒙特卡罗通用程序TOPAN能模拟中子和光子的耦合输运,可给出中子和光子在介质中输运后的点通量、面通量、体通量、面流量等参数。该程序除具备常用的蒙特卡罗软件功能外,还增加了处理介质温度变化的等效质量热运动模型和非均匀介质中粒子输运模块,具备粒子标识功能,初步具备了进行一些复杂问题中粒子输运模拟的能力。结合具体算例对TOPAN程序的各功能模块进行了比对验证。


    Abstract: The Monte Carlo transport code TOPAN was developed and it can be used to simulate the problem of the neutron and photon transport. The parameters of the point flux, surface flux, cell flux, surface current can be given by TOPAN. Besides the familiar capabilities of the conventional Monte Carlo code, TOPAN has the equivalent mass thermal motion model used for the neutron transport in the water at different temperatures, the transport module in nonuniform material, and the function of particle flag. These make TOPAN to be capable of simulating the neutron and photon transport for some complicated problems. The example was given to validate the modules of TOPAN.


