
Research on Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Integral Pin-Fin Tube

  • 摘要: 以润滑油为换热介质,对整体针翅管传热与阻力特性进行了理论分析与试验研究,研究结果可为针翅管的优化设计提供参考。在换热介质纵向冲刷换热管的条件下,对不同针翅长度的3种整体针翅管与光管进行了传热与阻力试验。结果表明:整体针翅管对润滑油换热具有很好的强化能力,在本试验范围内,整体针翅管对油流体扰动强烈,换热强度是同条件下光管的2~6倍;针翅长度是影响针翅管压降的主要因素,在雷诺数达300时,压降曲线出现转折。


    Abstract: Taking lubricating oil as the heat transfer medium, heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of integral pin-fin tubes were researched both in terms of theoretical and experiments. The results can provide a reference for pin-fin tube optimization. Under the condition of heat transfer medium longitudinally flushing the heat exchanger tube surface, the heat transfer and resistance experiments of plain tube and integral pin-fin tubes (in three different length) were carried out in the present work. The results show that the integral pin-fin tubes can improve the heat transfer ability of lubricating oil. The oil flow fluctuation caused by integral pin-fin tubes is intense and the heat transfer intension of integral pin-fin tubes is 2-6 times of plain tube at the same experiment condition. The length of fin makes main influence on pressure drop, and the pressure drop curve turns around when the values of Reynolds number reaches to 300.


