
Development of Risk Monitor for Nuclear Power Plant

  • 摘要: 介绍了风险监测器的概念和功能,根据其功能需求开发了基于浏览器/服务器架构的风险监测器系统。结合某核电厂风险监测器模型对本系统进行了应用。结果表明,本文开发的风险监测器系统能较好地完成系统功能,正确反映核电厂状态并为核电厂人员制定运行决策提供支持。


    Abstract: The concept of risk monitor as well as its expected function was introduced in the paper. Based on the requirement of risk monitor, a risk monitor system upon the browser/server structure was developed. Several practical applications were made to the system based on one specific risk monitor model. The result shows that this risk monitor system is able to successfully implement all the required functions and is competent for correctly reflecting the nuclear power plant risk, and can support the nuclear power plant staffs for their decision making.


