
Preliminary Study on Acceptability of Scope of Thermal Discharge Mixing Zone for Nuclear Power Plant

  • 摘要: 基于国内现有的温排放控制标准可执行性不强的现状,以某滨海电站SNP(采用一次直流冷却循环)厂址为例,开展了温排水混合区范围的可接受性论证研究。通过对该电站厂址海域生态调查站位的春、秋季调查结果的聚类分析,得出如下结论:1) SNP一期(1~2号机组)运行工况下,温排水混合区的设定对海域整体生态功能影响较小,其范围可接受;2) SNP一、二期(1~4号机组)同时运行工况下,温排水混合区的设定,春季对海域整体生态功能影响较小,其范围可接受,秋季对海域整体生态功能影响非常显著,如无有效的缓解措施,其影响是不可接受的。


    Abstract: Based on the situation that the existing domestic temperature control standards are not performable, the preliminary study on the acceptability of the mixing zone scope of thermal discharge for nuclear power plant was conducted in this paper, taking a coastal power station SNP as a case. The following preliminary conclusions could be drawn from the results of cluster analysis of the SNP site under different results of mathematical modeling and physical model test: 1) The influence intensity of ecological function of the SNP site seawater is small and the scope of thermal discharge mixing zone is acceptable under SNP-1 (Unit 1 and 2) operating condition; 2) the influence intensity of ecological function of the SNP site seawater is small and the scope of thermal discharge mixing zone is acceptable in spring under SNP-1 (Unit 1 and 2) and SNP-2 (Unit 3 and 4) operating condition, while the influence intensity of ecological function of the SNP site seawater is large and the scope of mixing zone is unacceptable in autumn under the same operating condition.


