
Surface Chemical States and Thermal Desorption Spectra of Li4SiO4 Affected by D+ Implantation

  • 摘要: 锂陶瓷氚增殖剂的氢同位素行为是聚变堆固态产氚包层关心的重要课题。本文将3 keV D+注入Li4SiO4,采用X射线光电子能谱在线分析注氘前后材料表面的化学状态,同时采用热解吸谱(TDS)实验技术,研究注氘后Li4SiO4中氢同位素的热解吸行为。实验结果表明:D+注入会改变Li4SiO4表面的化学环境,产生多种辐照缺陷和化学键合状态;氘滞留量和热解行为受注氘时样品的温度影响较大,可在一定程度上预测产氚包层中氚的滞留行为。


    Abstract: The hydrogen isotopes behavior of lithium ceramic tritium breeders was considered as an important issue of the tritium breeding blanket in a fusion reactor. The chemical states and the deuterium desorption behavior of Li4SiO4 implanted with 3 keV D+ were investigated by the in-situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and the thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS). It is found that deuterium implantation changes the chemical states on the surface of Li4SiO4, and produces many defects and binding groups. The deuterium retention and the desorption behavior are influenced significantly by the sample temperature at the time of implantation, which can speculate the tritium retention behavior in the tritium breeder blanket.


